Game of Throne Season 8 Teaser – Jon and Sansa

Like most shippers online, I too was thrilled to see the tease of the Jon and Sansa reunion. And I can say, without a doubt that I was thrilled to see it. Now onto analysis!! (Apologies, I can’t GIF)

We have a longer look at Jon, he crosses over from where he’s standing to Sansa. His expressions when he looks at Sansa kill me every time!! He doesn’t look anywhere else, his eyes are fixed on her face and it’s almost as if the rest of the world fades out of existence. And his expression, there is a vulnerability yes, but there is a huge dose of relief on his face. Like he’s finally home, among his family and no longer has put on a face or a facade. I mean, look at him! Does that look platonic to you? He spent a majority of last season with D@ny and not once looked at her like this.

Also, I didn’t screencap this, but he literally walks into her arms!

Now, onto Sansa

When they initially embrace, you can tell from Sansa’s profile that she’s smiling and she had her arms open for him, like can the makers get any more shippy than that! It’s like they want us to think that they’re gonna get together!

We can’t see much of her face, since it’s buried in Jon’s fur, but she’s clearly looking at Jon’s new found allies. And being the lady of Winterfell, she, no doubt, is thinking of the implications. First, that a Targ is in Winterfell with Dragons, and her Inner Circle, comprised of Tyrion and Varys. We know from last season that Sansa’s priorities are all about the remaining Starks safe and protecting Winterfell, all of that is compounded with so many unfamiliar variables thrown into the mix. Her expression to me, looks like it’s sizing up these new allies and she’s wary of them. The full weight of Jon’s actions are likely settling in with these people right behind him and what that means for Winterfell, the Starks and the North, not to mention their limited food supply.

Of course, this is smart of HBO because, ending with that expression on her face, a lot of the General Audiences will still believe that, once again, she’s going to try and steal Jon’s power 🙄. So they can try and push the Dark Sansa narrative and a majority of the GA will fall for it again, hook line and sinker.